Healthy in a Snap!

Delaware SNAP-ED Program
7/21/2023 Sussex County Health Coalition.

Creating Social Impact requires a unified effort of nonprofit organizations, foundations, government agencies and businesses working together to tackle community-wide issues. To create community change organizations must engage cross-sector stakeholders in collective work and utilize organizations well versed in the nuances to achieve that goal. SCHC, working in tandem with University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, will provide expertise through facilitation and community wide assessment over a 12 month period to build out a Countywide action plan that will support the needs in Sussex County with regards to nutrition security.

“The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension has awarded Sussex County Health Coalition as a subrecipient on the SNAP-Education Plan for Delaware. Over the next year, SCHC will work with UD Cooperative Extension and the State of Delaware Health and Social Services to dive deeper into the education, systems and environmental needs of communities in the county that have residents eligible for SNAP dollars. The idea of this process is to ensure that it is collaborative and responsive to community needs. The Coalition will lead a planning process that will ultimately provide programming to Sussex County that is aimed at improving access to and education around healthy foods. Look for more information in the next year about engaging in the conversation and plans for future programming!” - Gina Crist, Community Health Specialist, UD Cooperative Extension

SCHC, in partnership with UD Cooperative Extension, will lead a council of stakeholders to guide the process to complete a SNAP ED landscape analysis that includes:

  1. Assessing access to SNAP
  2. Accessing barriers hinder SNAP participation and utilization.
  3. Accessing service providers barriers and needs to increased enrollment and engagement of snap participants.
  4. Identifying current strength based practices for scalability.
  5. Recommending Pilots that can address barriers to engagement and increasing utilization/behavior change.

SCHC will provide services in the form of strategic partner engagement, community landscape analysis, report with recommendations and action plans for implementation. A pilot build out and deployment may be available based on availability of funds.”